Balancing at the 3-level
It is often a difficult problem to bid directly over a 3-level preempt, and it is just as hard to balance, although at least in balancing, some inference should be available from the previous 2 passes.
I heard 3♥ -P-P and looked down to find: ♠ K8♥ A♦ AJT82♣ KJT83.
What to do?
Well, I could pass… as I am likely to go plus, but at Imps, Vul vs. not, there is just too much risk against not scoring a game bonus.
Double? If a minor suit card were a spade, I think this would be my first choice, but as is, what to do when partner bids 3S or 4S? I suppose we could bid 3N or 4m over 3S, and pass 4S hoping partner has at least 5 — although under the general principle that suits break badly after preempts, would we really want to play in a 5-2 spade fit?
4m? First of all which one? If partner is 3-1 or 4-1 the way we don’t pick, we could go down in 4m when cold for 5 of the other.
3N? Hamman’s rule? RHO’s failure to raise at favorably strongly suggests that partner has some heart length. A simple Txxx after an honor lead should be enough of a second stopper if we need to knock some card out — imagine pard with QJxx Txxx KQxx x : 8 tricks after knocking out the spade, and a ninth if they persist in hearts, or give me time to lead a club up.
In fact 9xxx might do if west leads an honor from KQhxxx(x) and their partner has a singleton or doubleton Jack or Ten.
4N? Pick a minor? As I just suggested, partner may have heart length, and if they also have spade length, they may be 2-2 or worse in the minors.
Sadly, at the table, 4N is all that occurred to me, and partner had ♠ AQxxxx♥ Jxxx♦ 97♣ 9.
5D was not a success. 4S turns out to be a very difficult contract, even though spades cooperate 3-2, as the preempter was 2=6=5=0 with one diamond honor. Of course since spades break, 3N is cold with a successful club finesse, and the other bad breaks not mattering.
Would you pull 3N with these cards? Partner did not double, so they may be 1-3-3-6 or 7 with a running or one loser minor and a single or double heart stop — and then 4-2 or 5-1 spades will not bode well for 4S.
What would 4H be here?
Good question. I suppose Spades and a minor?